Updates/Chap status
Ruby's Realm

About Ruby...

Updates/Chap status

Ruby's Randomness

Ruby's Randomness take II



for all of my ~cough cough~ loyal readers, this section will be dedicated to giving you the status of upcoming chapters and stories.


Note that all updates will be done every Friday. ~cough cough~ yea right. just keep an eye out for me. the whole friday thing will really probably only be in effect when i'm in school.



Chapter 1: Going Under- Complete/posted

Chapter 2: Still Frame- Complete/posted

Chapter 3: Tained Love- Complete/posted

Chapter 4: Don't Stay- Complete/ posted

Chapter 5: Releasing the Demons- Complete/posted

Chapter 6: Voices- Complete/ posted

Chapter 7: Tourniquet- Complete/ Posted

Chapter 8: Drown- Complete/ Posted

Chapter 9: Someday- Complete/Posted

CHapter 10: Running Blind- Complete/Posted

Chapter 11: Cold- Complete/Posted

Chapter 12: Forgotten- Complete/Pending

Chapter 13: Before I'm Dead- Complete/ Pending

Chapter 14: Shadow- 2% complete

How DO they deal with that?

Chapter 1: It plagues all womankind!- Complete/posted

Chapter 2: So THAT'S why no one ever takes Miroku up on his offers- Complete/ posted

Chapter 3: Gottchya- Complete/ posted

Chapter 4: "Oh the pain! The pain!"- Complete/posted

Chapter 5: THE PMS MONSTER! DUN DUN DUN!- Complete/ posted

Chapter 6: THE WORM!- Complete/ posted

The Girl Who Cried Cat *sequel to How DO they deal with that?*

Chapter 1: Right Where We Left Off- 0% complete

In Retrospect

Chapter 1: Untitled- 30% completed


it's not too late to turn back! Go now, before she further corrupts you!!!!